START-140: "ເປັນຫຍັງທ່ານຈຶ່ງບໍ່ໄປຮຽນເປັນຄັ້ງທໍາອິດໃນໄລຍະຫນຶ່ງ?" - ໄດ້ພົບກັບເພື່ອນຮ່ວມຫ້ອງເກົ່າຂອງນາງເປັນເທື່ອທໍາອິດໃນຮອບ 10 ປີ. ການສ້າງໂຮງຮຽນຂອງຄວາມຊົງຈໍາທີ່ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າໄດ້ຫອກໃນເວລານັ້ນ ... ?

"Why don't you go to school for the first time in a while?" - Reunited with her former classmates for the first time in 10 years. The school building of memories that I was spearing at that time ... Without a trace... He pressed her against the cold concrete of his abandoned alma mater and slammed his hips against her over and over again.

ວັນອອກອາກາດ: 08/22/2024
Runtime: 120 min
ດາລາ: Koio Nagisa
Studio: SOD Create