AP-219: ປົກຄຸມດ້ວຍນ້ໍາຫມາກນາວໃນຮ່າງກາຍ • ເດັກຍິງທີ່ໄຮ້ສາລະທີ່ອົດທົນກັບ Iku ຢ່າງສຸດຊຶ້ງໃນຂະນະທີ່ຖືກທໍາຮ້າຍເທິງລົດໄຟທີ່ເຕັມໄປດ້ວຍເຫື່ອ, drool, ແລະຂອງແຫຼວທັງຫມົດຂອງຮ່າງກາຍ, ແລະສຸດທ້າຍບໍ່ທັນ?

covered with body fluid juice ● A naïve girl who desperately endures Iku while being molested on a crowded train overflows with sweat, drool, and all body fluids, and finally mass incontinence! - Squid to the limit of patience with a covered with body fluid juice!

DVD-ID: AP-219
ວັນອອກອາກາດ: 06/06/2015
Runtime: 155 min
Studio: Apache