OYC-156: 믿을 수 없어! 믿고 싶지 않아요! - 아내가 현역 풍속사원이었다니 믿을 수 없다! 「당신의 여자친구는 나쁜 남자에게 속아 성노동자로 숨어 있다」라고 적힌 DVD를 받았습니다. 내용을 보면 모르는 아내가 풍속으로 일하고 있는 것... ! 그리고 실제 공연까지...

Can't believe it! I don't want to believe it! - I can't believe that my wife was an active sex worker! I received a DVD that said, "Your girlfriend is being deceived by a bad man and hiding as a sex worker." When I looked at the contents, I saw that my unknown wife was working in the customs ...! And until the actual performance...

출시일: 01/07/2018
런타임: 180 분
스튜디오: Oyashoku Company