START-083: "괜찮아, 아파트 근처에 있는데 쉴 수 있어?" - 신입 사원만의 술자리에서 부서진 나를 상냥하고 정중하게 돌봐 준 상냥한 동급생의 무방비한 실내복이 너무 위험해서 아침까지 야리하고 있는 것을 깨달은 이야기. (사실 역테이크아웃이었다.) 사이토 호카

"Are you okay, I'm close to my apartment, can you rest?" - A story about how the defenseless loungewear of a gentle classmate who kindly and politely cared for me who was crushed at a drinking party only for new employees was too dangerous and I noticed that I was spearing until morning. (Actually, it was a reverse takeaway.) Hoka Saito

출시일: 06/06/2024
런타임: 125 분
여배우: Hoka Saito
스튜디오: SOD Create