VOSS-093: -ម្តាយរបស់នាងដែលបានព្យាយាមអនុវត្តការ៉េមដ៏ស្មុគស្មាញមួយ ដោយសារតែកូនក្រវិលរបស់នាងគឺ itchy បានអនុវត្តខុសនូវ aphrodisiac ទៅ Mako ហើយនៅestrus! - "Poke hard" Masturbation alone is not enough, so I open the joint and start begging for the back of the vagina with my Ji Po. 3
- Her mother, who tried to apply a delicate cream because her crotch was itchy, mistakenly applied an aphrodisiac to Mako and was in estrus! - "Poke hard" Masturbation alone is not enough, so I open the joint and start begging for the back of the vagina with my Ji Po. 3