RTP-031: 妹は思春期真っ盛りで男の体に興味津々!周りの子達はとっくに彼氏とはH済みなのに奥手な妹はまだ未経験らしい…。焦りからか兄の僕に性の悩みを打ち明けてきたので、優しく教えてあげているとモジモジし出して頬を赤らめながら…

My sister is in the middle of puberty and is curious about a man's body! - The children around her have already had H with her boyfriend a long time ago, but her sister who is deep seems to be inexperienced yet. Perhaps because of my impatience, I confided in my brother about my sexual troubles, so when I gently taught him, he started to blush and blushed ...

リリース日: 09/02/2014
実行中: 130 分
スタジオ: .DOC