OYC-233: 溺れる勢いの傍らで寝ている親友を押しのけ、無理やり中に Bed.My しゃがみ込んだ彼氏は目を覚まし、犯されたと言ったら彼氏に嫌われるだろうと思い、何も言えず何事もなかったかのように再び3人で飲み始め、彼氏がまたベッドに入ると、 眠るのに2日目の夜です...

Pushing Her Best Friend's Sleeping Beside Her Drowning Momentum, Forcibly Squatting Out Inside Her Bed.My Boyfriend Wakes Up But Thought That Her Boyfriend Would Dislike Her When She Said He Was Committed, She Could Not Say Anything And Started Drinking Again With Three People As If Nothing Had Happened.And When My Boyfriend Goes To Bed Again, It's The Second Night To Sleep!...

リリース日: 02/07/2019
実行中: 230 分