VOSS-055: - "Ūú getur veriđ hrifin af brjķstunum mínum" Draumaleikrit sem ūrũstir brjķstunum upp ađ glerinu međ önnum kafinni frænku Herra/Fröken, sem reisti mig upp sem erķtískan mangaunnanda sem var ađeins spenntur í tvívídd og ūrũstir brjķstunum á gleriđ og henni ađ aftan! 2 Kítósi Yuku
- "It's okay to like my boobs" A dream play of pressing my boobs against the glass with a busty aunt Mr./Ms.who erected me as an erotic manga lover who was only excited in two dimensions and pressing my boobs on the glass and in the back was realized! 2 Chitose Yuku