DHLD-005: Ilihaqtuga yoga-mi atuqhimayamnik ilihaqhimayuni angutauvlunilu... Amihunik ihumajunga kangiqhinngittunga ilaujaamni taimaa nakuungittumik pigiami, amihut qanuriliurutingit takuguma pinniqtumik kihimi pijunga pijukhaq pinniqtumik ilihaijimik. Ilituriyatka aqyangnatqiaq, taimaali ihumaliuqtunga iqihulilunga katimayunun eroticmik ilihaidjutinik tapkua ilaungitut atuqhimayamingni ilihaidjutini...
I'm the only student in the yoga experience class and the only man ... The more I think that I should not be misunderstood as participating for erotic purposes, the more my reacts when I see the beautiful buttocks sticking out of the beautiful instructor. I found a bulge in my lower abdomen, so I decided to entrust myself to a group erotic lesson that was not included in the experience course ...