HUNTA-464: Mana yang terasa lebih baik dalam hal seks, karet atau mentah? Sepertinya seorang gadis di kelas persiapan super serius belajar pendidikan seks di kelas kesehatan. Namun, ada banyak hal yang saya tidak mengerti karena setiap orang memiliki terlalu sedikit pengalaman seksual. Sepulang sekolah, mereka menghentikan saya (satu-satunya anak laki-laki di kelas) yang tinggal di belakang ...
Which feels better when it comes to sex, rubber or raw? It looks like a girl in a super serious preparatory class learned sex education in a health class. However, there are many things that I don't understand because everyone has too little sexual experience. After school, they stopped me (the only boy in the class) who was staying behind ...