OYC-058: Fèmen je ou ak imajine ... Yo mennen ou epi ou pa kapab deplase. Kle nan men yo te tache ak ou! Devan l', se yon fanm ki met men ak pye, men dezespereman eseye pran kle a nan men l'.

Close your eyes and imagine... You are handcuffed and unable to move. The key to the handcuffs has been attached to your! And in front of her is a woman who is restrained hand and foot, but desperately tries to take the key to the handcuffs on her with her mouth.

Sit entènèt sa a se pou granmotan sèlman

Èske ou gen omwen 18 an?

(oswa laj majorite legal nan jiridiksyon an kote w ap jwenn aksè nan sit entènèt sa a)

Pa klike sou "Mwen dakò", ou te li ak konprann deklarasyon ki anwo a.

Dat lage: 07/07/2016
Kouri: 210 min