RKI-654: - Pi bon fanm lan sèlman pou konpatibilite nan kò a mwen te rankontre sou app a matche ak jenital mwen pa renmen aparans li oswa pèsonalite nan tout, men mwen finalman te jwenn liy lan kout pyen fatal Miu Arioka
- The best woman only for the compatibility of the body I met on the genital matching app I don't like her appearance or personality at all, but I finally found the fateful punch line Miu Arioka
SÈKs ak sèks opoze a ak pi bon konpatibilite SEX ke tout moun rèv nan. Patnè a pi byen ak ki moun ou ka pataje plezi inegalabl ak tou senpleman chache Pi gwo pwen! E si te gen yon app ki te fè li fasil pou jwenn yon patnè konsa? Adaptasyon ki dire lontan ap viv-aksyon nan manga popilè sou sit la FANZA doujin!