GAPL-004: Lako zaraditi novac! - Ujednačen refleks koji je prepun slatkih misli! - Apelirajte da je broj iskusnih ljudi mali i predstavite opciju natrag. Kako bih ispravio takvu ideju, pokušao sam natjerati djevojku prvog dana ulaska u trgovinu da napusti trgovinu samo s muškim SEKSOM, umjesto da bude chot H šala.

Easy to make money! - Uniform reflex that is rampant with sweet thoughts! - Appeal that the number of experienced people is small and present the back option. In order to correct such an idea, I tried to drive the girl on the first day of entering the store to leave the store with just man SEX, instead of being a chot H prank.

Objave: 11/19/2017
Runtime: 230 Min
Studio: Green Apple