UMD-529: Slučajno susret s bivšim dečkom?! - Bila je ljubomorna na svoj sretan izgled i malo se ugasila kako njezin suprug ne bi primijetio. Onda, moja bivša djevojka koja mi je potajno dopustila da to učinim jednom kao šalu. - Onaj koji sam okusio prvi put nakon dugo vremena ipak je bio najbolji! !!

Accidentally encountering an ex-boyfriend?! - She was jealous of her happy appearance and put out a little so that her husband would not notice. Then, my ex-girlfriend who secretly let me do it once as a gag. - The that I tasted for the first time in a long time was the best after all! !!

Objave: 02/05/2016
Runtime: 120 Min
Studio: LEO