HUNTA-147: Estrus na fimozu Ji Po! Ja sam bio truant jer sam bio ismijavan kao "fimoza" od strane dječaka u istom razredu na školskom izletu. Ne mogu ni roditeljima reći za ovo! Međutim, učiteljica koja se brinula za mene došla je u moju kuću i pitala me uzrok. - Konačno priznajem učiteljici koja se ljubazno konzultira sa mnom.
Estrus on phimosis Ji Po! I have been truant since I was ridiculed as "phimosis" by a boy in the same class on a school trip. I can't even tell my parents about this! However, a school teacher who was worried about me came to my house and asked me the cause. - I finally confess to a teacher who kindly consults with me.