HUNTA-602: "Zašto ga pokušavaš umetnuti? Ja ću ga umetnuti!" - Kad sam bio intercrural sa svojom dobrodušnom svekrvom, postalo je mokro i sklisko! Uostalom, sirovo umetanje! Sirov! Moj otac se ponovno oženio, a moja svekrva, koja mi se iznenada rodila, mlada je i lijepa i misli o meni kao o pravom sinu. Ali išao sam u školu...

"Why are you trying to insert it? I'm going to insert it!" - When I was intercrural with my kind-hearted mother-in-law, it got wet there and it was slimy! After all, raw insertion! Raw! My father remarried, and my mother-in-law, who was suddenly born to me, is young and beautiful, and thinks of me as a real son. But I went to school...

Objave: 05/19/2019
Runtime: 240 Min
Studio: Hunter