AP-718: Cijena nevjere Negativni lanac koji počinje sa samo jednom pogreškom ... Čak i ako požalite, prekasno je ..."Ako me upoznate s maminom prijateljicom koja je ljepša od vas, pustit ću vas!" Jedini način da spasimo mladu ženu koja je silovana satima i satima iznova i iznova je da ponudi svoje mjesto ...

The price of infidelity A negative chain that begins with just one mistake ... Even if you regret it, it's too late ..."If you introduce me to a mom friend who is more beautiful than you, I'll release you!" The only way to save the young wife who has been raped for hours and hours over and over again is to offer her own place ...

DVD-ID: AP-718
Objave: 12/07/2019
Runtime: 240 Min
Studio: Apache