JUL-362: [Čitanje oprez] Obrnuta × priča koja se ne bi trebala vidjeti osim de M muškaraca odlučio sam ostati nekoliko dana u kući starije sestre moje majke, tete Tsubaki, gospodina/gospođe, kojoj sam se divio od djetinjstva. Imao sam slaba očekivanja u srcu, ali nježna i nježna teta Mr./Ms. odjednom je postala do-S. S olujnim prljavim riječima i krivnjom, ne samo spermom, već i dušom ... Tsubaki Kato
[Reading caution] A reverse × story that should not be seen except by de M men I decided to stay for a few days at the house of my mother's older sister, Aunt Tsubaki, Mr./Ms., who I had admired since I was a child. I had a faint expectation in my heart, but the gentle and gentle Aunt Mr./Ms. suddenly became a do-S. With stormy dirty words and blame, not only sperm but also soul ... Tsubaki Kato