JUY-700: [* Oprez! !! ] Nepovjerenje prema ljudskim bićima※] Obiteljsko putovanje NTR Moja žena, mlađi brat i njegova žena došli su u hot spring inn kako bi proslavili povratak mog oca. Snimao sam video kamerom cijelo vrijeme kako bih snimio godišnjicu, ali ... Kasnije, kad sam ga pogledao kako bih uredio video, prvo sam zaspao ispred nas razgovarajući s ocem u sobi.
[* Caution! !! ] Distrust of human beings※] Family trip NTR My wife and younger brother and his wife came to the hot spring inn to celebrate my father's return. I was recording with a video camera all the time to record the anniversary, but ... Later, when I watched it to edit the video, I fell asleep first in front of us chatting with my father in the room.