SET-022: kira★kira STREET GAL & Oyajicchi Incluso un señor de mediana idade pode ter relacións sexuais cun mozo gal negro. O desexo sexual das dúas persoas que comparten a sala é tan forte que a exaculación mesmo se xestiona. Fun lambido por Ji Po mentres facía un son desagradable, e volvín tolo cando poñía a parte traseira da vaxina... Hikaru Konno Nanase Otoha
kira★kira STREET GAL & Oyajicchi Even such a middle-aged old Mr./Ms. can have sex with a young black gal. The sexual desire of the two people sharing the room is so strong that ejaculation is even managed. I was licked by Ji Po while making an unpleasant sound, and I went crazy when I poked the back of the vagina ... Hikaru Konno Nanase Otoha