JKSR-207: Coñeces os detalles desta muller, Señor/Ms.? 04 Unha buliciosa esposa OL que é retornada cos cerebros e miradas dun locutor feminino, e o seu marido é unha fermosa ama de casa que traballa nunha axencia de publicidade, está en estruso! Por que tivo que pedir que "me trataron mal, podes levarme de novo?". Toda a historia.
Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? 04 A busty OL wife who is a returnee with the brains and looks of a female announcer, and her husband is an unfussy beautiful housewife who works at an advertising agency, is in estrus! Why did he have to beg for "I've been treated badly, can you take me again?" The whole story.