UMD-519: A irmá da miña noiva, Mr./Ms. irradia-me cun raio de tentación. Fun tachado polo chamamento sexual da miña irmá Sr./Ms., que a miña noiva non ten. Entón, a miña noiva sae durante unhas 2 horas despois de correr errandos. Despois de todo, cando os dous estabamos sós, a irmá maior Mr./Ms. convidoume.
My girlfriend's sister Mr./Ms. irradiates me with a temptation ray. I was taunted by the sex appeal of my sister Mr./Ms., which my girlfriend does not have. Then, my girlfriend goes out for about 2 hours after running errands. After all, when the two of us were alone, the older sister Mr./Ms. invited me.