SCOP-342: - Mentres a miña muller está a facer ●●●, a amiga da miña muller que lle rouba os ollos e a seduce mostrando a súa clivaxe e pantalón. Ao principio, sospeitei que era unha broma, pero convidábao completamente?! - Aínda que está ao seu lado, ten unha relación física prohibida que fai que o seu corpo se entrecruza indecentemente. 2
- While my wife is doing ●●●, my wife's friend who steals her eyes and seduces her by showing her cleavage and pants. At first, I suspected that it was a joke, but I was completely inviting him?! - Even though she is right next to her, she has a forbidden physical relationship that makes her body indecently intersect. 2