HUNTA-143: Absolutamente! Estou embarazada! - Baixei o señor do meu pai e fíxeno moitas veces ata quedar embarazada! 2Cando era pequeno, os meus pais divorciáronse e crecín nunha casa monoparental, así que tiven unha pelexa coa miña nai, fuxiu da casa e fun á casa do meu pai, onde me separaban.

Absolutely! I'm pregnant! - I held down my father's Mr./Ms. and made him many times until I got pregnant! 2When I was little, my parents divorced and I grew up in a single-mother household, so I had a fight with my mother, ran away from home, and went to my father's house, where I was separated.

Data de lanzamento: 04/19/2016
Runtime: 180 Min
Estudio: Hunter