HJMO-649: Limitado a estudantes universitarios femininos en escolas de prestixio que queren ser locutores! "Un locutor feminino debería ser capaz de ler o manuscrito baixo calquera circunstancia!?" Fixo Vibe Dirty Talk News 5 Super Intense Report 1 millón de ien se acabas de ler o manuscrito sen sucumbir ás interferencias maltratadas! - Se renuncias no medio, inmediatamente obterás un xogo de castigo de disparos vaxinais!
Limited to female college students at prestigious schools who want to be announcers! "A female announcer should be able to read the manuscript under any circumstances!?" Fixed Vibe Dirty Talk News 5 Super Intense Report 1 million yen if you finish reading the manuscript without succumbing to mischief interference! - If you give up in the middle, you will immediately get a vaginal shot punishment game!