HUNTA-155: - A filla inmatura é súper rechamante! A miña filla quere tomar un baño comigo por primeira vez en moito tempo, así que cando tomo un baño coa miña filla, sorprendeume que o peito estivese un pouco inchado! Ademais, por suposto, é súper golpe coa miña cara favorita! - Cando estaba a derramar o corpo da miña filla, sentín un estraño desgusto na miña filla...
- Immature daughter is super striking! My daughter wants to take a bath with me for the first time in a long time, so when I take a bath with my daughter, I was surprised that my chest was a little swollen! What's more, of course, it's super strike with my favorite face! - When I was shedding my daughter's body, I felt a strange disgust in my daughter ...