HUNTA-222: - en "Chinchin Crisis One-Shot Game"! Eu son o único home da escola á que trasladei! - Nun ambiente así, se consegues unha erección nunha panquira que atrapa naturalmente o teu ollo, serás notado por unha rapaza e converterase no obxectivo do "Crisis One-Shot Game"! Neste xogo, as rapazas dan voltas estimulando o meu Ji Po e a persoa que me fai lura perde!

- in "Chinchin Crisis One-Shot Game"! I'm the only man at the school I transferred to! - In such an environment, if you get an erection on a panchira that naturally catches your eye, you will be noticed by a girl and become the target of the "Crisis One-Shot Game"! * In this game, the girls take turns stimulating my Ji Po and the person who makes me squid loses!

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Data de lanzamento: 11/07/2016
Runtime: 170 Min
Estudio: Hunter