HUNTA-227: - Un xogo de rei onde eu son o único que ten alumnas e un home na práctica docente! Non era popular en absoluto en primaria, secundaria júnior, bacharelato e universidade, pero ocorreu un milagre na escola das nenas onde se realizaba a práctica docente. Para os estudantes que non adoitan ter nada que ver cos homes, son un home, así que son benvido! A maior parte do período de formación...
- A king game where I am the only one who has female students and a man in teaching practice! I wasn't popular at all in elementary, junior high, high school, and university, but a miracle happened at the girls' school where the teaching practice was held. For students who don't usually get involved with men, I'm a man for the time being, so I'm welcome! The most of the training period...