OYC-082: O vídeo que estaba na festa de bebidas do círculo converteuse en AV sen permiso! - Botei de menos o último tren debido a beber nun círculo ● Catro mozas viñeron á miña casa preto da estación por suxestión dun home guapo! Non puiden participar na conversa das nenas en absoluto, pero puiden beber en estreito contacto coas nenas!

The video that was at the circle drinking party was converted to AV without permission! - I missed the last train due to drinking in a circle ● Four girls came to my house near the station at the suggestion of a handsome man! I couldn't participate in the conversation of the girls at all, but I was able to drink in close contact with the girls!

Data de lanzamento: 12/19/2016
Runtime: 125 Min