SW-468: Cando espertas, o cambio de sala está cheo de mulleres! Metinme no vestiario feminino da compañía e cheiraba o uniforme recheo e masturbaba, e quedei durmido, e cando espertei, tiven unha erección. Pensei que sería despedido, pero as empregadas tamén están emocionadas, dicindo: "Axudareiche a masturbarse ◆".

When you wake up, the changing room is full of women! I sneaked into the women's locker room of the company and smelled the stuffy uniform and masturbated, and I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I had an erection. I thought I would be fired, but the female employees are also excited, saying, "I'll help you masturbate ◆".

DVD-ID: SW-468
Data de lanzamento: 02/16/2017
Runtime: 119 Min
Estudio: SWITCH