NKKD-036: Cautela repugnante Esta é a historia de cando puiden facer o meu debut universitario esta primavera, e a miña moza JD super cute e alegre foi vista polo local DQN Takemaru senpai, e ameazáronme con traer a ese Naon a próxima vez, e non me quedou máis remedio que levar á miña importante noiva ao hangout DQN Yuri Asada

Disgusting caution This is the story of when I was able to make my college debut this spring, and my super cute and cheerful JD girlfriend was seen by the local DQN Takemaru senpai, and I was threatened to bring that Naon next time, and I had no choice but to take my important girlfriend to the DQN hangout Yuri Asada

Data de lanzamento: 07/13/2017
Runtime: 120 Min
Actriz: Yuri Asada
Estudio: JET Eizo