HUNTA-457: - Se super estimulas os puntos de acupuntura que sente o teu amigo da infancia cunha masaxe que está fóra da marca, terás convulsións explosivas! Non teño nada que ver co estudo ou o exercicio, e agora mesmo son un ronín! O meu amigo da infancia estaba preocupado por min e veu ver como estaba a facer. Con todo, craváronme no peito do meu amigo da infancia que tiña grandes peitos mentres non o vía durante un tempo! Ela dixo: "Ultimamente estiven sentindo moitos ombreiros...
- If you super stimulate the acupuncture points that your childhood friend feels with a massage that is off the mark, you will have explosive convulsions! I don't have anything to do with studying or exercising, and I'm a ronin right now! My childhood friend was worried about me and came to see how I was doing. However, I was nailed to the chest of my childhood friend who had big breasts while I didn't see it for a while! She said, "I've been feeling a lot of shoulders lately...