NKKD-102: As feces repugnantes advirten cando gozaba dunha relación sa cunha noiva súper bonita que me fixo como ex Pasiri, atopeime co maior DQN Takemaru máis forte da prefectura, e esta é a historia de cando me ameazaron con traer ese channe a próxima vez e levou á miña importante noiva ao hangout DQN Mitsuki Kamiya

Disgusting feces caution When I was enjoying a healthy relationship with a super cute girlfriend who was made by me as a former Pasiri, I was found by the strongest DQN Takemaru senior in the prefecture, and this is the story of when I was threatened to bring that channe next time and took my important girlfriend to the DQN hangout Mitsuki Kamiya

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Data de lanzamento: 11/07/2018
Runtime: 150 Min
Estudio: JET Eizo