SW-594: - Señor/señora, se miras os pantalóns da túa filla e consegues unha erección, serás castigado!». - Sigo reaccionando ante a minisaia da miña muller panchira coa que vivín, e se perdo a tentación dunha nena do demo pequena que me agarra para que a miña muller non se decate, e póñoa nun pano fino, estragareime: "Está ben cambiar as pantalóns?".

"Mr./Ms., if you look at your daughter's pants and get an erection, you'll be punished!" - I keep reacting to my wife's stepdaughter's miniskirt panchira that I lived with, and if I lose the temptation of a small devil girl who clutches my so that my wife doesn't find out, and I put it in a thin cloth, I'll be spoiled, "Is it okay to shift the panties?"

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DVD-ID: SW-594
Data de lanzamento: 11/22/2018
Runtime: 170 Min
Actriz: Yua Fuwari
Estudio: SWITCH