SIM-012: Imadoki girl ○ estudante no seu camiño á casa da escola está empapada dunha poderosa pistola de auga! - Está empapada tanto que o seu brasón e mamilas son transparentes e flotan, e ela difumina e está moi emocionada! Sentinme tremeu pola estimulación da pistola de auga e dixen: "Máis ... Feito!' Youth estrus continuous vaginal shot sex! Un total de 13 disparos!
Imadoki girl ○ student on her way home from school is soaked with a powerful water gun! - She is soaked so much that her bra and nipples are transparent and float up, and she blushes and is very excited! I felt trembled by the stimulation of the water gun and said, "More ... Done!' Youth estrus continuous vaginal shot sex! A total of 13 shots!