TSP-424: Os bens adultos confiscados aos estudantes masculinos convértense nun punto de escintileo! ?? Se te pillas, serás disciplinado e destituído! Profesores que quitaron as súas selas nunha viaxe escolar durante 3 días e 2 noites! Aínda que é o impulso do alcohol, os profesores teñen un co outro, e mesmo tiro vaxinal aínda que estean casados! En serio, non hai moral!

Adult goods confiscated from male students become a flashpoint! ?? If you get caught, you will be disciplined and dismissed! Teachers who took off their saddles on a school trip for 3 days and 2 nights! Even though it's the momentum of alcohol, the teachers have an with each other, and even vaginal shot even though they're married! Seriously, no morals!

Data de lanzamento: 10/07/2019
Runtime: 220 Min
Estudio: Tokyo Special