SKMJ-214: Se... Que pasa se un amigo varón e feminino que perdeu o último tren experimenta "lavarse nunha primavera quente de baño mixta" ...! Dous homes e mulleres con amigos, traballo, maiores e júniors son consellos, as súas mentes e corpos están espidos, lávanse os corpos do outro nunha primavera quente de baño mixta, e homes e mulleres estrusos ao mesmo tempo... Realmente cruzarás a liña e terás relacións sexuais?
If... What happens if a male and female friend who missed the last train experiences "washing in a mixed bathing hot spring" ...! Two men and women with friends, work, seniors, and juniors are tipsy, their minds and bodies are naked, they wash each other's bodies in a mixed bathing hot spring, and men and women estrus at the same time ... Will you really cross the line and have sex?