HND-926: A existencia desa rapaza que só coñezo... A actriz AV Akari Mitani uniuse á miña compañía, así que se pretendín non saber que existía e confesou, estaba ben! Cando fun visitalo na casa, de súpeto cambiou ..."Sabes do que falo, non?". Por moitos disparos que disparei, non lle deixei durmir e seguín dentro ata as oito da mañá.

The existence of that girl that only I know ... AV actress Akari Mitani joined my company, so if I pretended not to know it existed and confessed, it was OK! When I went to visit him at home, he suddenly changed..."You know what I'm talking about, don't you?" No matter how many shots I shot, I didn't let him sleep and continued to inside until 8 o'clock in the morning.

Data de lanzamento: 12/25/2020
Runtime: 150 Min
Actriz: Akari Mitani
Estudio: Hon Naka