JUY-769: Estaba apoiando á esposa dun atleta de noite negra NTR xogador do equipo nacional como adestrador. Xusto antes dos Xogos, estaba gravando a forma da miña muller cunha cámara de vídeo no "dormitorio dos atletas" onde se reunían atletas de todo o mundo. O torneo foi unha derrota desastrosa. Tentei pescudar a causa da derrota... Eren Shiraki

I was supporting the wife of a black night athlete NTR synchro national team player as a trainer. Just before the Games, I was recording my wife's form with a video camera in the "athletes' dormitory" where athletes from all over the world gathered. The tournament was a disastrous defeat. I tried to find out the cause of the defeat... Eren Shiraki

Data de lanzamento: 02/25/2019
Runtime: 120 Min
Estudio: MADONNA