NNPJ-411: - [Tiro persoal afeccionado AV] Parece que o traballo a tempo parcial dunha muller cunha boa personalidade que cre en calquera cousa é libre e a piques de ser despedida, polo que a convida a disparar a tiros. - Xa que felizmente terei relacións sexuais co meu pai, lanzarei un vídeo debut AV!

- [Amateur personal shooting AV] It seems that the part-time job of a woman with a good personality who believes in anything is free and on the verge of being fired, so she invites her to naughty shooting. - Since I will happily have sex with my father, I will release an AV debut video!

Data de lanzamento: 11/25/2020
Runtime: 150 Min
Estudio: Nanpa JAPAN