HUNTA-150: San oifig ina bhfuil mé ag obair ragobair timpeallaithe ag mná oifige sinsearacha, is é an fear an t-aon chluiche rí domsa! 2Ar deireadh fuair post! D'fhéadfainn, ach... Is mise an t-aon fhear sa chuideachta! Mar sin, go nádúrtha, níl aon áit agus aon chumhacht ... Mar sin féin, lá amháin, agus mé ag obair ragobair, cuireadh iallach orm páirt a ghlacadh sa "King Game" a thosaigh fostaí baineann ...
In the office where I am working overtime surrounded by senior office ladies, the man is the only king game for me! 2Finally got a job! I could, but... I'm the only man in the company! So naturally, there is no place and no power... However, one day, while working overtime, I was forced to participate in the "King Game" started by a female employee ...