MEI-007: Ar an taobh eile den scáthán draíochta tá bean chéile cóiste iontaofa Mr./Ms. ... Lúthchleasaí álainn a bhaineann leis an gclub rian agus páirce agus dúshlán cóiste tromchúiseach cluiche dána rúnda gan ach beirt! Tá an comhlacht oilte ró-íogair agus tá an cóiste tic freisin! ?? Cé chomh fada is atá tú sásta dul ar airgead?
On the other side of the magic mirror is the wife of a trusted coach Mr./Ms. ... A beautiful athlete who belongs to the track and field club and a serious coach challenge a naughty game secretly with only two people! The trained body is too sensitive and the coach's is also ticking! ?? How far are you willing to go for money?