HUNTA-291: D'fhonn an club leadóige boird a choinneáil ar bhealach, atá ar tí dúnadh, nach bhfuil tóir air ar chor ar bith ar scoil, tá cúigear ball den chlub baineann ag earcú baill nua trí earcaíocht erotic! Ina theannta sin, nuair a théann tú isteach sa chlub taithí, beidh tú in ann do lámha a ghlacadh, do bhrollach a ghlacadh, do chromáin a ghlacadh, do Ji ○ Po a ghlacadh, agus leadóg boird erotic super gar a mhúineadh gach lá! Má tá tú ag dul a scor ar chor ar bith ...
In order to somehow keep the table tennis club, which is on the verge of closure, which is not popular at all at school, five female club members are recruiting new members by erotic recruitment! In addition, when you enter the experience club, you will be able to take your hands, take your chest, take your hips, take your Ji ○ Po, and teach super close erotic table tennis every day! If you're going to quit at all...