IENF-143: Mín tutor segði, "Eg helt, at eg ikki visti, men eg varð fangaður," og hóast hon hevur stór bróst, hon er í einum bralessi, sum passar fullkomiliga, so eg kann ikki lata vera við at vera stúrin! Eg tordi tað ikki longur og jarðaði andlitið á mær og gníggjaði tað, men eg rodnaði og gjørdi tað ikki ímóti, so eg tveitti meg út í ryggin á mær.
My tutor said, "I thought I didn't know, but I got caught," and even though she has big breasts, she wears a braless knit that fits perfectly, so I can't help but be worried! I couldn't stand it anymore and buried my face and rubbed it, but I blushed and didn't resist, so I threw out the semen that had accumulated in the back of my uterus!