SCOP-855: - Ein vøkur gentumamma, sum sigst at vera ein fyrrverandi spjótmaður, kemur í skúla við ongum trussum og ongum brósthaldara, tí hon vil eta ein mannligan lærara! - Undir foreldrasamrøðuni flákraði eg ofta bringuna og Mako og gjørdi meg heilt reistan, og so forførdi eg a og segði, "Hví hevur tú ikki kynsligt samband við meg rá...?"
- A beautiful gal mom who is rumored to be a former spear man comes to school with no panties and no bra because she wants to eat a male teacher! - During the parent interview, I flickered my chest and Mako many times and made my fully erect, and then I seduced a, saying, "Why don't you have sex with me raw ...?"