CRC-086: Kann tað vera, at kamarmóttakarin á gistingarhúsinum er hann sjálvur?! - Hon líkist akkurát fyrrverandi unnustu síni, og hennara navnpláta er sama navn. Men eg fái ikki mannað meg upp at tosa við hann. Hvat ólukkan skal eg gera? Tað er rætt, um tað er ein fyrrverandi unnusta, so sært tú tað á, hvar muldvarpin er! Ayumi Shinoda

Could it be that the room greeter at the accommodation is himself?! - She looks exactly like her ex-girlfriend, and her nameplate is the same name. But I can't muster up the courage to talk to him. What the hell am I supposed to do? That's right, if it's an ex-girlfriend, you can tell by the location of the mole! Ayumi Shinoda

Release Date: 07/25/2014
Runtime: 150 min
Actress: Ayumi Shinoda
Studio: Cherries