GIGL-060: Tá eg lurtaði eftir misnøgdini í hjúnalagnum við búnum konum, komu tær nærkast, so um eg mussaði tær og klípti vørturnar á teimum, gjørdi eg eina aegi rødd, so gjørdi egi tað, og um eg fekk tey at høgguslokka við fingring, var tað ikki nóg mikið, so eg gav teimum eitt rátt vaginalt skot!!

When I was listening to the dissatisfaction of marital life with celebrity mature wives, they would come closer, so if I kissed them and pinched their nipples, I would make an aegi voice, so I would, and if I made them squid with fingering, it would not be enough, so I gave them a raw vaginal shot!!

Release Date: 08/08/2014
Runtime: 240 min