RTP-051: Eg fann hasa gentuna, sum helt, at hon ikki var áhugað í SEX, tí hon var bæði evnaríkur og ikki áhugað, krógvaði seg í eini lærubók og hugdi at erotic videos! Eg havi so immer, at eg ikki so mikið sum varnast, at eg eri har. Tá ið eg nærkaðist bleytt og fekk eyga við, var eg illa við deyðan, men tað tyktist, at okkurt var horvin.

I found that girl, who thought she was not interested in SEX because she was both talented and not interested, was hiding in a textbook and watching erotic videos! I'm masturbating so immersed that I don't even notice that I'm there ... When I approached softly and made eye contact, I was embarrassed to death, but it seemed that something was missing ...

Release Date: 07/01/2015
Runtime: 130 min
Studio: .DOC