SCPX-061: Útsýnið av tollinum! Ein state-of-the-art tollur, har kvinnur, sum selja líkini í øllum rúmum, har production er í lagi! Slatur kalla slatur, og loyndarmálið í fullum húsinum er, at kvinnan vil hava eina livandi framleiðslu, og tað, sum er satt, og tað, sum er satt! Thora SCOOP!! 2

The forefront of back customs! A state-of-the-art customs apartment where women who sell their bodies live in all rooms where production is OK! Rumors call rumors, and the secret of the full house is that the lady herself wants a live production, and the rumor of all-you-can-eat vaginal shot is true! Thorough SCOOP!!! 2

Release Date: 10/23/2015
Runtime: 240 min
Studio: K M Produce