RTP-100: Hann heldur fram at koma fyri seg, orsakað av ógvusligum hita hvønn dag! Á øllum hesum, skapti okkara skúla átrokandi ein skúla, sum eitur "Super Cool Biz"! Um tú hyggur runt, sært tú, at gentan er andstyggiligt. Í eini slíkari støðu er eingin máti, at eg kann hugsavna meg í flokkinum, og hvørja ferð eg síggi eina gentu, eg síggi. 4

Heat stroke continues to occur due to the intense heat every day! In the midst of all this, our school urgently created a school rule called "Super Cool Biz"! If you look around, you can see the girl's disgustingly developed body! In such a situation, there is no way I can concentrate in class, and every time I see a girl, I ... 4

Release Date: 08/04/2017
Runtime: 130 min
Studio: .DOC